PACS numbers

62.30.+d Mechanical and elastic waves; vibrations 63.20.Dj Phonon states and bands, normal modes, and phonon dispersion
  1. Spintronics and nanomagnetism (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 25 April 2012)Phys. Usp. 55 1255–1267 (2012)
    01.10.Fv, 61.72.−y, 62.20.−x, 62.30.+d, 75.47.−m, 75.75.−c, 85.75.−d (all)
  2. V.E. Panin, V.E. Egorushkin, A.V. Panin “Nonlinear wave processes in a deformable solid as in a multiscale hierarchically organized systemPhys. Usp. 55 1260–1267 (2012)
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  3. M.A. Chernikov “Elastic properties of icosahedral and decagonal quasicrystalsPhys. Usp. 48 411–417 (2005)
    61.44.−n, 61.44.Br, 62.20.De, 62.30.+d (all)
  4. E.G. Maksimov, V.I. Zinenko, N.G. Zamkova “Ab initio calculations of the physical properties of ionic crystalsPhys. Usp. 47 1075–1099 (2004)
    61.50.Ah, 63.20.Dj, 71.15.Mb (all)
  5. L.A. Falkovsky “Investigation of semiconductors with defects using Raman scatteringPhys. Usp. 47 249–272 (2004)
    63.20.−e, 63.20.Dj, 78.30.−j (all)
  6. S.Yu. Savrasov, E.G. Maksimov “Ab initio calculations of lattice dynamics of crystalsPhys. Usp. 38 737–759 (1995)
    63.20.Dj, 71.25.Cx, 71.25.Pi
  7. M.B. Gitis “Order and disorder in high-temperature long-wave acoustics (I): dielectrics, semiconductors, and conductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (11) 924–955 (1992)
    62.30.+d, 62.65.+k, 62.20.Dc, 72.80.−r (all)
  8. P.S. Landa, V.F. Marchenko “On the linear theory of waves in media with periodic structuresSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (9) 830–834 (1991)
    62.30.+d, 63.20.Dj (all)
  9. L.M. Barkov, B.K. Vainshtein et alKirill Sergeevich Aleksandrov (on his sixtieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (1) 98–98 (1991)
    01.60.+q, 62.30.+d, 62.20.Dc, 77.80.Bh, 78.20.Ls (all)
  10. I.I. Mazin “Reference book on phonon properties of metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 885–885 (1988)
  11. A.M. Gulyan “Phonons in condensed matterSov. Phys. Usp. 31 382–383 (1988)
    63.50.+x, 74.25.Kc, 67.40.Pm, 68.35.Ja, 63.20.Dj (all)
  12. I.A. Viktorov “Ultrasonic and Hypersonic Surface WavesSov. Phys. Usp. 16 943–944 (1974)
    62.65.+k, 62.30.+d (all)
  13. E.G. Brovman, Yu.M. Kagan “Phonons in nontransition metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 125–152 (1974)
  14. G.A. Smolenskii “Certain Problems in the Physics of NonmetalsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 801–802 (1972)
    62.65.+k, 62.30.+d (all)
  15. R.I. Personov “Shpol’skii Spectra and the Optical Analog of the Mossbauer EffectSov. Phys. Usp. 15 368–369 (1972)
    76.80.+y, 63.20.Dj, 63.20.Kr (all)
  16. L.K. Zarembo, V.A. Krasil’nikov “Nonlinear phenomena in the propagation of elastic waves in solidsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 778–797 (1971)
    62.30.+d, 62.20.Dc, 81.40.Jj, 63.20.Kr (all)
  17. V.S. Gorelik, M.M. Sushchinskii “Raman scattering of light in crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 399–429 (1969)
    78.30.−j, 63.20.Dj (all)
  18. V.I. Pustovoit “Interaction of electron streams with elastic lattice wavesSov. Phys. Usp. 12 105–132 (1969)
    62.30.+d, 72.50.+b, 62.65.+k, 76.40.+b, 63.20.Kr (all)
  19. V.N. Murzin, R.E. Pasynkov, S.P. Solov’ev “Ferroelectricity and crystal-lattice dynamicsSov. Phys. Usp. 10 453–484 (1968)
    77.80.Bh, 63.20.Ry, 63.20.Dj, 78.30.−j, 77.84.Dy, 76.80.+y (all)
  20. S.B. Kormer “Optical study of the characteristics of shock-compressed condensed dielectricsSov. Phys. Usp. 11 229–254 (1968)
    78.20.Ci, 62.50.+p, 77.84.Nh, 64.70.Dv, 78.60.Fi, 62.30.+d (all)
  21. Yu.E. Perlin “Modern methods in the theory of many-phonon processesSov. Phys. Usp. 6 542–565 (1964)
    63.20.Kr, 72.20.Jv, 63.20.Dj (all)
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