PACS numbers

42.79.Pw Imaging detectors and sensors
  1. V.V. Vlasyuk, I.V. Afanasieva et alLarge-format imaging systems based on solid-state detectors in optical astronomyPhys. Usp. 67 405–416 (2024)
    07.50.Qx, 42.79.Pw, 95.55.−n (all)
  2. I.G. Neizvestnyi, A.E. Klimov, V.N. Shumsky “Photon far-infrared and sub-millimeters array detectorsPhys. Usp. 58 952–962 (2015)
    42.79.Pw, 85.60.Gz (all)
  3. I.E. Protsenko, A.V. Uskov “Photoemission from metal nanoparticlesPhys. Usp. 55 508–518 (2012)
    42.79.Pw, 79.60.Jv, 85.60.Gz, 88.40.hj (all)
  4. D.N. Klyshko “A simple method of preparing pure states of an optical field, of implementing the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment, and of demonstrating the complementarity principleSov. Phys. Usp. 31 74–85 (1988)
    42.50.Dv, 42.79.Pw (all)
  5. É.S. Voronin “Nonlinear Transformation of Images and Infrared HolographySov. Phys. Usp. 13 415–416 (1970)
    07.57.Kp, 42.79.Pw, 42.79.Ls, 42.65.−k, 42.40.Lx (all)
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