PACS numbers

28.41.Kw Radioactive wastes, waste disposal
  1. S.N. Kalmykov “Solving scientific problems of nuclear power engineering as a source of 'green' energyPhys. Usp. 65 1188–1192 (2022)
    28.41.Kw, 28.41.Vx, 92.70.Mn (all)
  2. D.A. Dolgolenko, Yu.A. Muromkin “On separation of mixtures of chemical elements in plasmaPhys. Usp. 60 994–1017 (2017)
    28.41.Kw, 52.25.Xz, 52.30.−q, 52.75.−d (all)
  3. A.V. Timofeev “On the theory of plasma processing of spent nuclear fuelPhys. Usp. 57 990–1021 (2014)
    28.41.Kw, 52.30.−q, 52.35.Tc, 52.40.Fd, 52.50.−b (all)
  4. L.P. Feoktistov “Safety: the key to revitalization of nuclear powerPhys. Usp. 36 (8) 733–743 (1993)
    89.30.Gg, 28.41.Kw, 28.41.Te, 28.41.Ak (all)
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