PACS numbers

06.30.Bp Spatial dimensions (e.g., position, lengths, volume, angles, and displacements)
  1. V.P. Vasiliev “Current state of high-accuracy laser rangingPhys. Usp. 61 707–713 (2018)
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  2. V.B. Braginskii “Resolution in macroscopic measurements: progress and prospectsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 836–849 (1988)
    03.65.Ta, 06.30.Bp, 84.37.+q (all)
  3. A.F. Dravskikh, D.V. Korol’kov et alGlobal phase-stable radiointerferometric systemsSov. Phys. Usp. 24 949–976 (1981)
    07.60.Ly, 06.30.Bp, 95.75.Kk, 93.85.+q (all)
  4. A.I. Kartashev, I.Sh. Etsin “Methods of Measuring Small Phase Difference Changes in Interference DevicesSov. Phys. Usp. 15 232–250 (1972)
    07.60.Ly, 06.30.Bp, 85.60.−q (all)
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