On the 150th anniversary of Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev

Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev

The outstanding Russian physicist Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev was born 150 years ago, on 8 March 1866 (on 24 February according to the Old Style). A brilliant experimenter who managed in that now-distant time to perform subtle experiments on the measurement of the light pressure exerted on solids and gases and the founder of the first Russian scientific school of world-class physicists, P.N. Lebedev is present (if only implicitly) in the achievements of our science even today. One of his pupils wrote in 1967: "The effect of Lebedev's personal influence was undoubtedly transferred via his pupils, primarily via P.P. Lazarev and S.I. Vavilov, as well as via their pupils, and is inherent in one form or another in our science even now." Today, almost half a century later, it is valid to say that Lebedev's influence (now via his scientific grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren) is still present in our science in much prominent scientific work up to the present time.

Papers of P.N. Lebedev in Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk

  1. Lebedev P «Instruktsiya stud. Zernovu» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 46 329–330 (1952). (in Russian)
  2. Lebedev P N, Usagin I F «Pribor dlya demonstratsii printsipa Huygens'a» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 49 469–472 (1953). (in Russian).
  3. Lebedev P N «Pamyati pervogo russkogo uchenogo (1711-1911)» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 181 1183–1186 (2011). (in Russian) [Lebedev P N «In memory of the first Russian scientist (1711-1911)» Phys. Usp. 54 1143–1146 (2011). (From the history of physics. In honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of M V Lomonosov)].

Papers about P.N. Lebedev in Usp. Fiz. Nauk [Phys. Usp.]

  1. Lazarev P P «On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of P N Lebedev» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 17 405–420 (1937). (in Russian).
  2. Kravets T P «P N Lebedev and light pressure» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 46 306–320 (1952). (in Russian).
  3. Timiryazev A K «From the memoirs of Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 46 321–324 (1952). (in Russian).
  4. Kaptsov N «Memories of Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 46 325–328 (1952). (in Russian).
  5. «K 50-letiyu so dnya smerti P.N. Lebedeva» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 77 569–570 (1962). (in Russian) [«On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev» Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 616 (1963). (Special issue. On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev)].
  6. Lazarev P P «Vospominaniya o P.N. Lebedeve» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 77 571–582 (1962). (in Russian) [Lazarev P P «My recollections of P. N. Lebedev» Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 617–624 (1963). (Special issue. On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev)].
  7. Kaptsov N «Rol' Petra Nikolaevicha Lebedeva v sozdanii nauchno-issledovatel'skikh kadrov» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 77 583–588 (1962). (in Russian) [Kaptsov N A «Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev and the training of research scientists» Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 625–628 (1963). (Special issue. On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev)].
  8. Salomonovich A E «Optika millimetrovykh voln i astronomiya» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 77 589–596 (1962). (in Russian) [Salomonovich A E «Millimeter-wave optics and radio astronomy» Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 629–633 (1963). (Special issue. On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev)].
  9. Deryagin B V «Idei P.N. Lebedeva o prirode molekulyarnykh sil» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 91 341–346 (1967). (in Russian).
  10. Levshin V L «Zhizn' i nauchnaya deyatel'nost' P.N. Lebedeva» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 91 331–339 (1967). (in Russian) [Levshin V L «Life and scientific activity of Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev» Sov. Phys. Usp. 10 102–107 (1967). (From the history of physics)].
  11. Khramov Yu A «Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev i ego shkola (K 120-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 150 585–597 (1986). (in Russian) [Khramov Yu A «Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev and his school (On the 120th anniversary of the year of his birth)» Sov. Phys. Usp. 29 1127–1134 (1986). (From the history of physics)].
  12. Ragulsky V V «O lyudyakh s odinakovym otnosheniem k zhizni (k 100-letiyu doklada Lebedeva o davlenii sveta) » Usp. Fiz. Nauk 181 307–318 (2011). (in Russian) [Ragulsky V V «About people with the same life attitude: 100th anniversary of Lebedev's lecture on the pressure of light» Phys. Usp. 54 293–304 (2011). (From the history of physics)].
  13. Shcherbakov R N «"Ya, kak chelovek gluboko ubezhdennyi i v znachenii i v poezii eksperimenta..." (nakanune yubileya P.N. Lebedeva)» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 186 159–168 (2016). (in Russian) [Shcherbakov R N «"As I deeply understand the importance and greatly admire the poetry of experiment,..." (on the eve of P.N. Lebedev's anniversary)» Phys. Usp. 59 (2) (2016), DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0186.201602d.0159 (From the history of physics)].
  14. Anikin V M «"Fabrika molodykh fizikov" P.N. Lebedeva i Saratovskii universitet» Usp. Fiz. Nauk 186 169–173 (in Russian) [Anikin V M «P.N. Levedev's "Factory of Young Physicists" and Saratov University» Phys. Usp. 59 (2) (2016), DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0186.201602e.0169 (From the history of physics)].

Gold medal of the Lebedev Petr Nikolayevich Lebedev (Russian Academy of Sciences

  1. Gold medal of the Lebedev Petr Nikolayevich Lebedev.
  2. P.N. Lebedev. the photo. Archive of RAS. R.Kh. Op.1-l. D.38. Ë.1.
  3. Presidium of the USSR Decree of 4 September 1969 No.769 "On the medals and awards of outstanding scientists, awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR".Archive RAS. F.2. Op.6. D.795. L.28, 29, 32.

About P.N. Lebedev "The social history of domestic science"

  1. G.E. Gorelik "Petr Nikolaevich Lebedev, davlenie sveta i davlenie obstoyatel'stv" (from the book about Andrei Sakharov).
  2. "Correspondence of P.N. Lebedev in connection with the departure from Moscow University. 1911".

Collected works by P.N. Lebedev on the portal of the electronic library "Scientific Heritage of Russia"

  1. Par Pierre Lebedef Les forces de Maxwell-Bartoli dues a la pression de la lumière / trad. de l'allemand par B. Brunhes. - Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1900. - 8 p.: ill. - (Congrès international de physique de 1900).
  2. Von Peter Lebedew Über die ponderomotorische Wirkung der Wellen auf ruhende Resonatoren. II. Hydrodynamische Oscillationsresonatoren // Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Bd. 59. 1896. - Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth (Arthur Meiner), 1896. - 18 S. - Îòä. îòò.
  3. Lebedew, P. Über die ponderomotorische Wirkung der Wellen auf ruhende Resonatoren. III. Akustische Hohlresonatoren. - Leipzig, 1897 - 20 S. - (Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Bd. 62. 1897)
  4. Lebedev P.N. Ob ottalkivatel'noi sile lucheispuskayushchikh tel. - Moscow : Tip. M G Volchaninova, 1891. - 8 pp.
  5. Petr Lebedev O dvizhenii zvezd po spektroskopicheskim issledovaniyam Moscow: Tip. M.G. Volchaninova, 1892. - 23 pp.
  6. Lebedev P N Opytnoye issledovaniye svetovogo davleniya. - St. Petersburg: Tip. V. Demakova, 1901. - 23 pp.
  7. Lebedev P N Skala elektromagnitnykh voln v efire // Fiz. obozrenie. 1901. Ò. 2. - Ì., 1901. - 25 ñ. - Îòä. îòò.
  8. Lebedev P N Uspekhi akustiki za poslednie desyat' let // Fiz. obozrenie. – 1905. - Vol. 6. – 17 pp.
  9. Lebedev P N Fonometr // Zh. Russ. Fiz.-Khim. Obshch. Fiz. otdel - St. Petersburg, 1909. – Iss. 9. - 3 pp.
  10. Lebedev P N Eksperimental'noe issledovanie ponderomotornogo deistviya voln na rezonatory. - Moscow, 1899. - 64 pp.
  11. Von Peter Lebedew Über die abstossende Kraft strahlender Körper / Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1892 - 6 S. - Sep.-Abdr. aus den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Bd. 65. 1892.
  12. Von Peter Lebedew Über die Doppelbrechung der Strahlen electrischer Kraft / - Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1895. - 17 S. : Ill. - Sep.-Abdr. aus den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Bd. 56. 1895.
  13. Von Peter Lebedew Über die mechanische Wirkung der Wellen auf ruhende Resonatoren. I. Electromagnetische Wellen / - Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1894. - 20 S. : Ill. - Sep.-Abdr. aus den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Bd. 52. 1894.
  14. Peter Lebedew Über Messungen der Dielectricitätsconstanten der Dämpfe und über die Mossotti-Clausius'sche Theorie der Dielectrica : Inaugural-Dissertation... der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde vorgelegt von Peter Lebedew. - Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1891. - 25, [1] S. : Ill., Tab.
  15. Lebedev P. N. Davlenie sveta / Eds P.P. Lazarev, T.P. Kravets - Moscow: Gosizdat, 1922. - [4], 91 pp.
  16. Lebedev P. N. Selected Works / Ed. A.K. Timiryazev Moscow-Leningrad: GITTL, 1949. – 242 pp. (in Russian)
  17. Lebedev P N O dvoinom prelomlenii luchei elektricheskoi sily St. Peterburg: Tip. V. Demakova, 1895. - 8 pp.
  18. Lebedev P.N. Collected Works Eds T.P. Kravets, N A Kaptsov, A.A. Eliseev, Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1963. – 435 pp. (in Russian).

Other sources

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