Yu.I. Ravich

Yu.I. Ravich
Department of Radiophysics, St. Petersburg State Technical University
Address: ul. Politekhnicheskaya 29, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation


  1. S.A. Nemov, Yu.I. Ravich “Thallium dopant in lead chalcogenides: investigation methods and peculiaritiesPhys. Usp. 41 735–759 (1998)
  2. V.I. Kaidanov, Yu.I. Ravich “Deep and resonance states in AIV BVI semiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 31–53 (1985)

See also: V.I. Kaidanov, S.A. Nemov

PACS: 71.55.-i, 71.20.-b, 74.70.-b, 78.90.+t, 71.20.Nr, 61.72.Ji, 72.20.My, 65.40.Ba

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