- M.A. Vasil’ev “Higher spin gauge theory” Phys. Usp. 46 218–223 (2003)
Signed personalia
- P.I. Arseev, M.A. Vasil’ev, M.I. Vysotskii et al “Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin (on his 80th birthday)” Phys. Usp. 65 1104–1106 (2022)
- V.S. Beskin, M.A. Vasil’ev, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov et al “Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his 90th birthday)” Phys. Usp. 63 1148–1150 (2020)
- B.M. Bolotovsky, M.A. Vasiliev, B.L. Voronov et al “Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his ninetieth birthday)” Phys. Usp. 60 743–744 (2017)
- V.A. Alekseev, P.I. Arseev, M.A. Vasiliev et al “In memory of Evgenii Grigorievich Maksimov” Phys. Usp. 54 1195–1197 (2011)
- V.S. Beskin, M.A. Vasil’ev, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov et al “Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his 80th birthday)” Phys. Usp. 53 963–965 (2010)
- A.F. Andreev, M.A. Vasil’ev, V.L. Ginzburg et al “Evgenii Grigorievich Maksimov (on his 70th birthday)” Phys. Usp. 51 1087–1088 (2008)
- B.M. Bolotovskii, M.A. Vasil’ev, B.L. Voronov et al “Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his eightieth birthday)” Phys. Usp. 50 763–765 (2007)
- A.F. Andreev, B.M. Bolotovsky, M.A. Vasil’ev et al “Vitalii Lasarevich Ginzburg (on his ninetieth birthday)” Phys. Usp. 49 1107–1109 (2006)
- A.F. Andreev, B.M. Bolotovskii, M.A. Vasil’ev et al “In memory of Gelii Frolovich Zharkov” Phys. Usp. 47 1171–1172 (2004)
- I.A. Batalin, M.A. Vasil’ev, G.A. Vilkovyskii et al “In memory of Efim Samoilovich Fradkin” Phys. Usp. 42 1175–1176 (1999)
- M.A. Vasil’ev, V.L. Ginzburg, A.V. Gurevich et al “Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his seventieth birthday)” Phys. Usp. 40 545–546 (1997)
See also:
A.F. Andreev,
V.L. Ginzburg,
L.V. Keldysh,
G.A. Mesyats,
A.N. Skrinskii,
L.P. Pitaevskii,
E.P. Velikhov,
V.A. Matveev,
A.M. Prokhorov,
V.A. Rubakov,
B.B. Kadomtsev,
A.S. Borovik-Romanov,
Zh.I. Alferov,
E.L. Feinberg,
V.E. Fortov
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