Andrei O. Barvinskii

Andrei O. Barvinskii
Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 135 42 64
Fax: +7 (499) 135 78 80

Institute of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Lomonosovskii prosp. 27, korp. 1, Moscow, 119192, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 938 24 17


  1. A.O. Barvinsky, V.N. Vakhovsky “Schwinger—DeWitt technique in quantum gravityPhys. Usp. 67 (8) (2024)
  2. A.O. Barvinskii “Cosmological branes and macroscopic extra dimensionsPhys. Usp. 48 545–575 (2005)
  3. B.L. Al’tshuler, A.O. Barvinskii “Quantum cosmology and physics of transitions with a change of the spacetime signaturePhys. Usp. 39 429–459 (1996)

See also: A.D. Sakharov, B.L. Al’tshuler, Ya.B. Zel’dovich, V.N. Vakhovsky

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