Ekaterina Konstantinovna Kostikova

Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Pushkinskaya str., 11, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 185910, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (8142) 78 11 08
Fax: +7 (8142) 76 33 70


  1. Yu.S. Nechaev, E.A. Denisov, A.O. Cheretaeva et alMethod of thermal desorption study of hydrogen states in carbon materials and nanomaterialsPhys. Usp. 66 936–942 (2023)

See also: Yu.S. Nechaev, A.O. Cheretaeva, N.A. Shurygina, S.Yu. Davydov, E.A. Denisov

PACS: 61.46.-w, 61.48.-c, 68.43.-h, 89.30.-g

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