Stanislav Anatolevich Pshenichnyuk

Institute of Molecular and Crystal Physics, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: prosp. Oktyabrya 151, Ufa, 450075, Russian Federation
Phone: (3472)-31-19-95
Fax: (3472)-31-35-38


  1. S.A. Pshenichnyuk, N.L. Asfandiarov, A.S. Vorob’ev, Š. Matejčík “State of the art in dissociative electron attachment spectroscopy and its prospectsPhys. Usp. 65 163–188 (2022)

See also: N.L. Asfandiarov, Š. Matejčík, A.S. Vorob’ev

PACS: 34.80.-i, 34.80.Ht, 34.90.+q

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