Vladislav Rafaelievich Khabibullin

Department of Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation
Fax: 7 (495) 939 0171


  1. M.A. Proskurnin, V.R. Khabibullin, L.O. Usoltseva et alPhotothermal and optoacoustic spectroscopy: state of the art and prospectsPhys. Usp. 65 270–312 (2022)

See also: M.A. Proskurnin, L.O. Usoltseva, E.A. Vyrko, I.V. Mikheev, D.S. Volkov, L.M. Lyamshev

PACS: 07.60.-j, 42.30.Wb, 43.35.Sx, 43.35.Ud, 78.20.nb, 78.20.N-, 78.20.Pa, 81.70.Cv, 82.80.Kq, 87.19.Pp

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