Anton Olegovich Zlotnikov

Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Academgorodok 50, str. 38, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (3912) 43 26 35
Fax: +7 (3912) 43 89 23


  1. V.V. Val’kov, M.S. Shustin, S.V. Aksenov et alTopological superconductivity and Majorana states in low-dimensional systemsPhys. Usp. 65 2–39 (2022)

See also: V.V. Val’kov, S.V. Aksenov, A.D. Fedoseev, V.A. Mitskan, M.S. Shustin, M.Yu. Kagan

PACS: 71.20.Nr, 71.20.Ps, 71.23.An, 71.70.Ej, 73.23.-b, 74.20.Rp, 74.25.F-, 74.90.+n

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