Marharyta Aleksandrovna Lisovenko
Sumy State University
Address: ul. Rimskogo-Korsakova 2, Sumy, 244007, Ukraine
Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Address: 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, Illinois, 60439, USA
- A.D. Pogrebnyak, M.A. Lisovenko, A. Turlybekuly, V.V. Buranich “Protective coatings with nanoscale multilayer architecture: current state and main trends” Phys. Usp. 64 253–279 (2021)
See also:
A.D. Pogrebnyak,
V.V. Buranich,
A. Turlybekuly
PACS: 61.46.-w, 62.20.Qp, 62.25.-g, 68.35.Gy