Igor Viktorovich Kochikov

Email: igor@kochikov.ru, kochikov@tm-net.ru

Scientific Research Computer Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Leninskiye Gory 1, building 4, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 939-54-24
Fax: +7 (495) 938-21-36
Email: nivc@srcc.msu.ru


  1. S.A. Aseyev, A.S. Akhmanov, G.V. Girichev et alStructural dynamics of free molecules and condensed matterPhys. Usp. 63 103–122 (2020)

See also: S.A. Aseev, E.A. Ryabov, A.A. Ischenko, V.Ya. Panchenko, A.S. Akhmanov, G.V. Girichev

PACS: 07.78.+s, 42.65.Re, 61.05.J-

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