Olga O. Tsareva

Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Profsoyuznaya str. 84/32, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 333 52 12
Fax: 7 (495) 333 12 48


  1. O.O. Tsareva, L.M. Zelenyi, H.V. Malova et alWhat expects humankind during the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field: threats imagined and realPhys. Usp. 61 191–202 (2018)

See also: L.M. Zelenyi, V.Yu. Popov, H.V. Malova, M.V. Podlozko, E.P. Popova

PACS: 91.25.Cw, 91.25.Mf, 94.20.wq

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