Aleksandr Alekseevich Levchenko

Aleksandr Alekseevich Levchenko
Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Akademika Osip'yana str. 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (496) 522 19 82
Fax: +7 (496) 522 81 60


  1. L.V. Abdurakhimov, M.Yu. Brazhnikov, A.A. Levchenko et alKinetic and discrete turbulence on the surface of quantum liquids55 818–825 (2012)

Signed personalia

  1. Yu.Yu. Balega, V.G. Bondur, S.V. Garnov et alIvan Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov (on his 80th birthday)67 (7) (2024)

See also: L.V. Abdurakhimov, S.V. Filatov, M.Yu. Brazhnikov, I.A. Remizov

PACS: 47.27.Gs, 47.35.Pq, 68.03.Kn

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