Sergei Yur’evich Gavrilkin

Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 135 42 64
Fax: +7 (499) 135 78 80


  1. A.N. Azarevich, A.V. Bogach, S.Yu. Gavrilkin et alOn the problem of detecting Majorana fermions in heat capacity and Hall effect measurements in the Kondo insulator YbB12Phys. Usp. 67 314–321 (2024)
  2. Yu.F. Eltsev, K.S. Pervakov, V.A. Vlasenko et alMagnetic and transport properties of single crystals of Fe-based superconductors of 122 familyPhys. Usp. 57 827–832 (2014)
  3. V.M. Pudalov, O.E. Omel’yanovskii, E.P. Khlybov et alV L Ginzburg and the development of experimental work on high-temperature superconductivity at LPI: ’iron superconductors’Phys. Usp. 54 648–653 (2011)

See also: V.M. Pudalov, K.S. Pervakov, Yu.F. El’tsev, E.P. Khlybov, A.V. Sadakov, S.A. Kuzmichev, A.S. Usol’tsev, Ya.G. Ponomarev, S.N. Chesnokov, M.G. Mikheev, D.R. Gizatulin, A.Yu. Tsvetkov, A.S. Dormidontov, O.M. Ivanenko, K.V. Mitsen

PACS: 74.25.-q, 74.45.+c, 74.70.-b, 71.27.+a, 73.22.-f, 75.47.-m

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