A.P. Shpak

Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Address: Vernadsky blvd. 36, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine


  1. A.D. Pogrebnjak, A.G. Ponomarev, A.P. Shpak, Yu.A. Kunitskii “Application of micro- and nanoprobes to the analysis of small-sized 3D materials, nanosystems, and nanoobjectsPhys. Usp. 55 270–300 (2012)
  2. V.B. Molodkin, A.P. Shpak, M.V. Kovalchuk et alMultiparametric crystallography using the diversity of multiple scattering patterns for Bragg and diffuse waves. Method of standing diffuse wavesPhys. Usp. 54 661–689 (2011)
  3. A.D. Pogrebnjak, A.P. Shpak, N.A. Azarenkov, V.M. Beresnev “Structures and properties of hard and superhard nanocomposite coatingsPhys. Usp. 52 29–54 (2009)

See also: A.D. Pogrebnyak, Yu.A. Kunitskii, V.B. Molodkin, A.D. Pogrebnjak, A.G. Ponomarev, M.V. Kovalchuk, V.F. Machulin, V.L. Nosik, N.A. Azarenkov, V.M. Beresnev

PACS: 07.78.+s, 78.70.Bj, 81.16.Ta, 84.40.-z, 42.25.Fx, 61.05.-a, 61.72.-y, 61.46.-w, 62.20.Qp, 62.25.-g

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