Viktor D. Lakhno

Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Prof. Vitkevich str. 1, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (4967) 318 50 4
Fax: +7 (4967) 318 50 0


  1. V.D. Lakhno “Pekar's ansatz and the strong coupling problem in polaron theoryPhys. Usp. 58 295–308 (2015)
  2. N.I. Kashirina, V.D. Lakhno “Large-radius bipolaron and the polaron-polaron interactionPhys. Usp. 53 431–453 (2010)
  3. V.D. Lakhno “Translation invariance and the problem of the bipolaronPhys. Usp. 41 403–406 (1998)
  4. V.D. Lakhno “Spin wave amplification in magnetically ordered crystalsPhys. Usp. 39 669–693 (1996)
  5. V.D. Lakhno, G.N. Chuev “Structure of a strongly coupled large polaronPhys. Usp. 38 273–285 (1995)

See also: V.L. Ginzburg, E.G. Maksimov, Yu.A. Izyumov, Yu.V. Kopaev, N.I. Kashirina, G.N. Chuev, M.I. Kaganov, E.A. Andryushin, A.P. Silin, V.I. Belyavskii, M.V. Sadovskii

PACS: 71.38.-k, 74.20.-z, 74.72.-h, 71.38.+i, 75.30.Ds, 72.30.+q, 71.50.+t

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