Andrei Sergeevich Mishchenko

Andrei Sergeevich Mishchenko
Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG), ASI, RIKEN
Address: Wako, Saitama , Japan


  1. A.S. Mishchenko “Electron — phonon coupling in underdoped high-temperature superconductorsPhys. Usp. 52 1193–1212 (2009)
  2. A.S. Mishchenko “Diagrammatic Monte Carlo method as applied to the polaron problemsPhys. Usp. 48 887–902 (2005)

See also: V.L. Ginzburg, E.I. Rashba

PACS: 71.38.-k, 74.20.-z, 74.72.-h, 02.70.Uu, 71.35.-y, 74.72.-b

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