V.S. Skakun

Institute of High-Current Electronics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Akademicheskii prosp. 4, Tomsk, 634055, Russian Federation
Fax: +7 (382) 225 94 10
Email: contact@hcei.tsc.ru


  1. E.A. Sosnin, N.Yu. Babaeva, V.Yu. Kozhevnikov et alModeling of transient luminous events in Earth's middle atmosphere with apokamp dischargePhys. Usp. 64 191–210 (2021)
  2. M.I. Lomaev, V.S. Skakun, E.A. Sosnin et alExcilamps: efficient sources of spontaneous UV and VUV radiationPhys. Usp. 46 193–209 (2003)

See also: E.A. Sosnin, V.F. Tarasenko, B.M. Smirnov, A.V. Kozyrev, V.A. Panarin, V.Yu. Kozhevnikov, M.I. Lomaev, D.V. Shitts, M.V. Erofeev, G.V. Naidis, N.Yu. Babaeva

PACS: 07.05.Tp, 52.80.Mg, 52.90.+z, 92.60.Pw, 07.60.-j, 42.72.Bj, 52.80.-s

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