Yulia S. Kalashnikova
Russian Federation State Scientific Center ‘A.I. Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics’
Address: ul. Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya 25, Moscow, 117259, Russian Federation
Phone: 7 (095) 125-32-97
Fax: 7 (095) 123-65-84
Website: www.itep.ru, www.extech.ru
National Research Nuclear University ‘MEPhI’
Address: Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation
- Yu.S. Kalashnikova, A.V. Nefediev “X(3872) in the molecular model” Phys. Usp. 62 568–595 (2019)
- Yu.S. Kalashnikova, A.V. Nefed’ev, J.E.F.T. Ribeiro “Chiral symmetry and the properties of hadrons in the Generalized Nambu—Jona-Lasinio model” Phys. Usp. 60 667–693 (2017)
- Yu.S. Kalashnikova, A.V. Nefed’ev “Two-dimensional QCD in the Coulomb gauge” Phys. Usp. 45 347–368 (2002)
See also:
A.V. Nefediev,
J.E.F.T. Ribeiro
PACS: 12.38.Aw, 12.39.-x, 14.40.Lb, 14.40.Rt, 12.39.Ki, 12.39.Pn, 11.10.Kk, 11.15.Pg