Immanuil L. Fabelinskii

Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 135 42 64
Fax: +7 (499) 135 78 80


  1. E.A. Aleksandrov, V.F. Andreev, L.V. Vainshtein et alIn memory of Immanuil Lazarevich FabelinskiiPhys. Usp. 47 1173–1174 (2004)
  2. A.F. Andreev, T.L. Andreeva, V.L. Ginzburg et alImmanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his ninetieth birthday)Phys. Usp. 44 209–210 (2001)
  3. A.F. Andreev, V.M. Agranovich, A.S. Borovik-Romanov et alImmanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his eightieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (2) 204–205 (1991)
  4. S.A. Al’tshuler, V.L. Ginzburg, G.P. Motulevich et alImmanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his seventieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 24 76–77 (1981)


  1. I.L. Fabelinskii “The discovery of combination scattering of light in Russia and IndiaPhys. Usp. 46 1105–1112 (2003)
  2. I.L. Fabelinskii “The prediction and discovery of Rayleigh line fine structurePhys. Usp. 43 89–103 (2000)
  3. I.L. Fabelinskii “Seventy years of combination (Raman) scatteringPhys. Usp. 41 1229–1247 (1998)
  4. I.L. Fabelinskii “Macroscopic and molecular shear viscosityPhys. Usp. 40 689–700 (1997)
  5. K.V. Kovalenko, S.V. Krivokhizha, I.L. Fabelinskii, L.L. Chaikov “Some features of phase transitions in solutions with two critical pointsPhys. Usp. 39 635–637 (1996)
  6. I.L. Fabelinskii “Spectra of molecular light scattering and some of their applicationsPhys. Usp. 37 821–858 (1994)
  7. I.L. Fabelinskii “Ultrafast phenomenaSov. Phys. Usp. 31 485–486 (1988)
  8. I.L. Fabelinskii “Nonlinear opticsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 380–381 (1988)
  9. I.L. Fabelinskii “Time-resolved spectroscopySov. Phys. Usp. 30 755–756 (1987)
  10. I.L. Fabelinskii, S.V. Krivokhizha, L.L. Chaikov “Experimental studies of solutions with a ’double’ critical pointSov. Phys. Usp. 29 572–573 (1986)
  11. I.L. Fabelinskii “The researches of M. A. Leontovich in optics and acousticsSov. Phys. Usp. 26 356–365 (1983)
  12. I.L. Fabelinskii “The discovery of combinational scattering of light (the Raman effect)Sov. Phys. Usp. 21 780–797 (1978)
  13. I.L. Fabelinskii, V.S. Starunov, A.K. Atakhodzhaev et alNarrowing of Optical Depolarization-Scattering Spectra Near the Critical Separation Point of SolutionsSov. Phys. Usp. 20 275–276 (1977)
  14. M.S. Pesin, I.L. Fabelinskii “Picosecond spectroscopy and research on fast processesSov. Phys. Usp. 19 844–862 (1976)
  15. I.L. Fabelinskii, I.L. Chistyi “New methods and advances of high-resolution spectroscopySov. Phys. Usp. 19 597–617 (1976)
  16. I.L. Fabelinskii, V.S. Starunov, D.V. Vlasov “Influence of Propagation Conditions of Longitudinal and Transverse Sound on the Spectrum of Thermal and Stimulated Scattering of Light (Two New Phenomena)Sov. Phys. Usp. 17 805–805 (1975)
  17. I.L. Fabelinskii “New optical methods of studying rapid processesSov. Phys. Usp. 14 341–349 (1971)
  18. V.S. Starunov, I.L. Fabelinskii “New Investigations of Thermal and Stimulated Molecular Scattering of LightSov. Phys. Usp. 12 690–691 (1970)
  19. V.S. Starunov, I.L. Fabelinskii “Stimulated MANDEL’SHTAM-BRILLOUIN scattering and stimulated entropy (temperature) scattering of lightSov. Phys. Usp. 12 463–489 (1970)
  20. V.S. Starunov, I.L. Fabelinskii “Stimulated MANDEL’SHTAM-BRILLOUIN scattering and stimulated entropy (temperature) scattering of lightSov. Phys. Usp. 13 428–428 (1970)
  21. I.L. Fabelinskii “Study of the fine structure of the lines of scattered light and the propagation of hypersoundSov. Phys. Usp. 8 637–641 (1966)
  22. I.L. Fabelinskii “Some results of the experimental study of the fine structure of Rayleigh scattering lines in liquids of various viscositiesSov. Phys. Usp. 5 667–674 (1963)

Signed personalia

  1. Yu.N. Vavilov, A.V. Gurevich, G.B. Zhdanov et alIn memory of Sergei Ivanovich Nikol’skiiPhys. Usp. 45 1311–1312 (2002)
  2. A.I. Erokhin, V.P. Zaitsev, S.V. Krivokhizha et alIn memory of Valentin Sergeevich StarunovPhys. Usp. 43 1263–1264 (2000)
  3. K.N. Baranskii, T.S. Velichkina, V.L. Ginzburg et alIn memory of Ivan Alekseevich YakovlevPhys. Usp. 43 535–536 (2000)
  4. A.F. Andreev, A.A. Boyarchuk, V.L. Ginzburg et alIn memory of Andrei Stanislavovich Borovik-RomanovPhys. Usp. 40 1265–1266 (1997)
  5. Zh.I. Alferov, V.E. Golant, V.I. Gol’danskii et alIn memory of Viktor Yakovlevich Frenkel’Phys. Usp. 40 849–850 (1997)
  6. A.F. Andreev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, F.V. Bunkin et alIn memory of Sergei Mikhailovich RytovPhys. Usp. 40 749–750 (1997)
  7. N.G. Basov, V.L. Ginzburg, N.D. Zhevandrov et alMikhail Dmitrievich Galanin (on his eightieth birthday)Phys. Usp. 38 345–346 (1995)
  8. L.M. Biberman, B.A. Veklenko, V.L. Ginzburg et alValentin Aleksandrovich Fabrikant (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (6) 549–550 (1991)
  9. B.A. Arbuzov, Sh.Sh. Bashkirov, A.S. Borovik-Romanov et alSemen Aleksandrovich Al’tshuler (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 26 1021–1022 (1983)
  10. Sh.Sh. Bashkirov, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, K.A. Valiev et alSemen Aleksandrovich Al’tshuler (on his seventieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 24 922–923 (1981)
  11. V.L. Ginzburg, M.A. Isakovich, F.S. Landsberg et alSolomon Mendelevich Raiskii (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 22 768–769 (1979)
  12. S.A. Akhmanov, F.V. Bunkin, A.G. Vinogradov et alSergei Mikhailovich Rytov (on his seventieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 21 643–644 (1978)
  13. V.G. Vaks, V.K. Voitovetskii, V.M. Galitskii et alBoris Tov’evich Geilikman (obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 20 1035–1037 (1977)
  14. S.A. Akhmanov, F.V. Bunkin, V.G. Veselago et alSergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich Rytov (in honor of his 60th birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 11 919–920 (1969)

See also: V.L. Ginzburg, A.F. Andreev, L.V. Keldysh, G.A. Mesyats, A.N. Skrinskii, L.P. Pitaevskii, A.M. Prokhorov, E.P. Velikhov, V.A. Matveev, V.A. Rubakov, B.B. Kadomtsev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, Zh.I. Alferov, E.L. Feinberg, V.E. Fortov

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