M.A. Osipov

M.A. Osipov


  1. E.M. Aver’yanov, M.A. Osipov “Errata: Effects of the local field of a light wave in the molecular optics of liquid crystals [Sov. Phys. Usp. 33, 365-384 (May 1990)]33 (10) 880–880 (1990)
  2. E.M. Aver’yanov, M.A. Osipov “Effects of the local field of a light wave in the molecular optics of liquid crystals33 (5) 365–384 (1990)
  3. S.A. Pikin, M.A. Osipov “Ferroelectricity in liquid crystals30 740–741 (1987)

See also: E.M. Aver’yanov, S.A. Pikin, E.I. Kats, G.S. Chilaya, L.M. Blinov, Ya.S. Bobovich, A.S. Sonin

PACS: 61.30.Gd, 61.30.Dk, 78.30.Cp, 78.20.Ci, 77.80.-e, 61.30.Eb

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