E.F. Gross


  1. B.P. Zakharchenya, A.A. Kaplyanskii “Evgeniĭ Fedorovich GrossSov. Phys. Usp. 11 141–142 (1968)


  1. E.F. Gross, S.A. Permogorov, B.S. Razbirin “Annihilation of excitons and exciton-phonon interactionSov. Phys. Usp. 14 104–112 (1971)
  2. E.F. Gross “Excitons and their motion in crystal latticesSov. Phys. Usp. 5 195–218 (1962)

See also: S.A. Permogorov, B.S. Razbirin, G.A. Smolenskii, E.I. Rashba

PACS: 71.35.Cc, 63.20.Ls, 71.20.Nr, 71.20.Ps, 71.35.Aa, 72.40.+w, 71.70.Ej, 78.20.Ls, 78.55.Hx

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