Kh.K. Aliev

Dagestan State University
Address: M. Gadzhieva str. 43a, Makhachkala, 367025, Russian Federation


  1. I.K. Kamilov, A.K. Murtazaev, Kh.K. Aliev “Monte Carlo studies of phase transitions and critical phenomenaPhys. Usp. 42 689–709 (1999)
  2. I.K. Kamilov, Kh.K. Aliev “Ultrasonic studies of the critical dynamics of magnetically ordered crystalsPhys. Usp. 41 865–884 (1998)
  3. I.K. Kamilov, Kh.K. Aliev “Second-order phase transitions in ferromagnetic materials in weak fields near the Curie pointSov. Phys. Usp. 26 696–712 (1983)

See also: I.K. Kamilov, A.K. Murtazaev, K.P. Belov, R.Z. Levitin

PACS: 75.40.-s, 02.70.Lq, 64.60.-i, 75.50.-y, 43.35.Cg, 64.60.Ht, 75.50.y, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Gw

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