Accepted articles

Reviews of topical problems

N.M. Aristova, S.V. Onufriev, A.I. Savvatimskiy “Thermodynamic properties of zirconium nitride in the condensed state

A.V. Galeeva, A.S. Kazakov, D.R. Khokhlov “Terahertz probing of topological insulators: photoelectric effects

M.S. Murga “Evolution of carbonaceous grains from the stage of AGB stars to planetary nebulae: observations, experiments, theory

A.V. Shchepetil’nikov, I.V. Kukushkin “Electron spin resonance in two-dimensional electron systems

P.Yu. Babenko, A.N. Zinov’ev, A.P. Shergin “Stopping and scattering of atoms with keV energies in matter

R.A. Khmelnitsky, N.B. Rodionov et alChallenges of homoepitaxial diamond growth by CVD method and ways to solve problems

R.A. Shishkin “Advanced and prospective materials for thermal barrier coatings

S.A. Moiseev, M.M. Minnegaliev et alOptical quantum memory on atomic ensembles: physical principles, experiments and possibilities of application in a quantum repeater

S.G. Ovchinnikov “Ising superconductivity

Methodological notes

A.Ya. Burinskii “The Kerr—Newman solution unites gravitation with quantum theory

I.M. Arbekov, S.N. Molotkov “Quantum random number generators, extraction of provably random bit sequences from Markov chain trajectories

S.M. Stishov “On the thermodynamics of simple systems

V.M. Rozenbaum, I.V. Shapochkina, L.I. Trakhtenberg “Quantum particle in a V-shaped well of arbitrary asymmetry. Brownian motors

V.L. Gorshenin, B.N. Nougmanov, F.Ya. Khalili “About the strips of Schroedinger's cat

Physics news on the internet

Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet: August 2024

On the 90th anniversary of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI)

90th anniversary of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI)

E.N. Ragozin “X-ray and vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy in LPI

S.A. Gorbunov, A.E. Volkov et alTrack technique in modern atomic nucleus and fundamental particle physics, astrophysics and nanotechnology

N.M. Zubarev, G.A. Mesyats, M.I. Yalandin “Conditions for runaway electron generation in an air gap with an inhomogeneous electric field: theory and experimen

S.Yu. Gus’kov “Laser thermonuclear fusion and physics of pulsed plasma with super high energy density

I.N. Tilikin, N.V. Pestovskii et alCoherent properties of radiation from high-current nanosecond discharges

A.O. Barvinskii, V.N. Vakhovsky “Schwinger—DeWitt technique in quantum gravity

S.F. Likhachev, T.I. Larchenkova “From the Spektr-R project to the Spektr-M project: milestones in space radio astronomy

I.N. Zavestovskaya, A.V. Kolobov, V.A. Ryabov “Current status and development of nuclear physics methods for proton therapy at the LPI

P.A. Forsh, S.Yu. Stremoukhov et alQuantum memristors — the new approach to neuromorphic computations

A.V. Leonidov “Physics of strong interactions at high energies

On the 90th anniversary of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI). From the history of physics

I.A. Shcherbakov “On the 60th anniversary of receiving the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the laser-maser principle

On the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

M.N. Popova, M. Diab, K.N. Boldyrev “High-resolution spectroscopy of functional dielectrics with rare-earths ions

D.I. Provorchenko, D.O. Tregubov et alLaser cooling of thulium atoms to the ground state in optical lattice

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