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Nonclassical transport in nonequilibrium rarefied gas flows

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Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilova str. 44, korp. 2, Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation

We discuss physical phenomena in nonequilibrium gas flows where the classical Stokes and Fourier laws for stress and heat transfer are violated. Fundamental differences are revealed between the kinetic description and methods of the thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes. We study classes of problems for nonequilibrium rarefied gas flows with nonclassical transport. Prospects of experimental verification of the effects are also discussed.

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Keywords: kinetic theory, Boltzmann equation, nonequilibrium flows, nonclassical transport processes
PACS: 05.20.Dd, 05.70.Ln, 51.10.+y (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.08.039730
Citation: Aristov V V, Zabelok S A, Frolova A A "Nonclassical transport in nonequilibrium rarefied gas flows" Phys. Usp. 68 (3) (2025)

Received: 16th, April 2024, revised: 12th, July 2024, 7th, August 2024

Оригинал: Аристов В В, Забелок С А, Фролова А А «Неклассический перенос в неравновесных течениях разреженного газа» УФН 195 276–293 (2025); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2024.08.039730

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