Technologies of silicon integrated photonics are the basis for the fabrication of a class of devices, such as optical modulators, photodetectors, optical filters and switches, multiplexers and demultiplexers, and optical transceivers. In many respects, silicon integrated photonics competes with alternative platforms based on indium phosphide, silicon nitride and dioxide, and other platforms. Here we provide an overview of modern approaches used in silicon integrated photonic technologies, describe the components of photonic integrated circuits and devices developed on their basis, and make a comparison with alternative technology platforms.
Keywords: silicon, integrated photonics, nanophotonics, silicon-on-insulator, photonic integrated circuits PACS:42.82.−m, 42.82.Et, 84.40.Lj (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2024.09.039762 URL: 001382736300010 2-s2.0-85213257616 2024PhyU...67.1153K Citation: Kosolobov S S, Pshenichnyuk I A, Taziev K R, Zemtsova A K, Zemtsov D S, Smirnov A S, Zhigunov D M, Drachev V P "Silicon integrated photonics" Phys. Usp.67 1153–1167 (2024)
PT Journal Article
TI Silicon integrated photonics
AU Kosolobov S S
FAU Kosolobov SS
AU Pshenichnyuk I A
FAU Pshenichnyuk IA
AU Taziev K R
FAU Taziev KR
AU Zemtsova A K
FAU Zemtsova AK
AU Zemtsov D S
FAU Zemtsov DS
AU Smirnov A S
FAU Smirnov AS
AU Zhigunov D M
FAU Zhigunov DM
AU Drachev V P
FAU Drachev VP
DP 10 Nov, 2024
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 67
IP 11
PG 1153-1167
RX 10.3367/UFNe.2024.09.039762
SO Phys. Usp. 2024 Nov 10;67(11):1153-1167
Received: 15th, April 2024, revised: 12th, September 2024, accepted: 13th, September 2024