55th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN). Reviews of topical problems
Superconducting terahertz receivers
L.V. Filippenko†a,
A.M. Chekushkin‡a,
M.Yu. Fominskii§a,
A.B. Ermakov*a,
N.V. Kinev#a,
K.I. Rudakov°a,b,
A.V. Khudchenko&a,b,
A.M. Baryshevc,
V.P. Kosheletsa,b,
S.A. Nikitova aKotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Mokhovaya 11, kor. 7, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation bAstro Space Centre, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Profsoyuznaya 84/32, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation cKapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, PO Box 72, Groningen, 9700, the Netherlands
In some practical applications, devices based on superconducting electronics, due to their unique set of parameters, are far superior to those based on conventional technologies, being in some cases the only viable option. One of the most advanced areas is the development of ultra-sensitive terahertz-range receivers: their operating frequency has reached 1 THz, and the noise temperature is only limited by quantum or photon noise.
Keywords: radio astronomy, niobium-based high-quality tunnel junctions, low-noise SIS receivers, THz-range quantum-limited mixers PACS:07.57.−c, 85.25.−j, 95.55.−n (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2024.07.039726 URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2024/11/i/ 001382736300009 2-s2.0-85213226332 2024PhyU...67.1139F Citation: Filippenko L V, Chekushkin A M, Fominskii M Yu, Ermakov A B, Kinev N V, Rudakov K I, Khudchenko A V, Baryshev A M, Koshelets V P, Nikitov S A "Superconducting terahertz receivers" Phys. Usp.67 1139–1152 (2024)
TI Superconducting terahertz receivers
AU Filippenko, L. V.
AU Chekushkin, A. M.
AU Fominskii, M. Yu.
AU Ermakov, A. B.
AU Kinev, N. V.
AU Rudakov, K. I.
AU Khudchenko, A. V.
AU Baryshev, A. M.
AU Koshelets, V. P.
AU Nikitov, S. A.
PB Physics-Uspekhi
PY 2024
JO Physics-Uspekhi
JF Physics-Uspekhi
JA Phys. Usp.
VL 67
IS 11
SP 1139-1152
UR https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2024/11/i/
ER https://doi.org/10.3367/UFNe.2024.07.039726
Received: 9th, March 2024, revised: 17th, May 2024, accepted: 29th, July 2024