Significant progress in understanding the stopping and scattering of atomic particles with energies less than 100 keV in matter is discussed. Stemming from a comparison of experimental data with the results of computer modeling, it refers to the selection of the potential employed to describe the scattering of particles and refinement of the concepts of nuclear and electronic stopping power. Considered is the dominant role in the formation of electronic losses of the mechanism related to the excitation of autoionization states during the rearrangement of molecular shells in collisions. The contribution of fast electron emission to the electronic loss cross section is found to be significant. The influence of collision parameters on scattering, sputtering, and channeling is analyzed.
@article{Babenko:2024,author = {P. Yu. Babenko and A. N. Zinoviev and A. P. Shergin},title = {Stopping and scattering of keV-energy atoms in matter},publisher = {Physics-Uspekhi},year = {2024},journal = {Phys. Usp.},volume = {67},number = {10},pages = {1000-1021},url = {},doi = {10.3367/UFNe.2024.03.039666}}
Received: 15th, November 2023, revised: 7th, March 2024, accepted: 20th, March 2024