





Conferences and symposia. Forum "USPEKHI-2021": Climate change and global energy issues

East meets West again in order to tackle the global energy crises

  a,  b,   c, §  d
a University of California, Irvine, 949-824-5011, Irvine, California, 92697, USA
b Tri Alpha Energy Technologies, Inc., Foothill Ranch, CA, USA
c Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
d Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

The contemporary challenges of the impacts of human activities such as climate change induced by the increase in CO2 emissions since the Industrial Revolution have been discussed throughout this Forum 'Uspekhi-2021', as have possible approaches to address these issues. Some have discussed nuclear approaches to remedy this situation, both fission-based and fusion-based. One of the challenges of the fission nuclear path is its radioactive spent nuclear waste, which can accumulate for a period longer than civilization has existed. If we recall, the first rapprochement between the East and West in 1955 was due to the desire to avoid nuclear confrontation between the East and West. East and West meet again, this time to find collaborative solutions to the global crises of climate change and other global environmental issues tightly related to worldwide energy issues. The meeting in 1955 launched the peaceful use of nuclear fusion energy, and since then we have witnessed, for example at this Forum 'Uspekhi-2021', the culmination of research in this area, like Norman Rostoker's aneutronic fusion approach driven by beam injection. At the previous meeting, Veksler also introduced collective acceleration using plasma to compactify accelerators. We are glad that we can show some of its fruits in the laser wakefield accelerator driving neutrons compactly and efficiently for the purpose of incinerating radioactive nuclear waste of transuraniums. These energy research efforts have also produced a path to follow in order to become carbon neutral or even carbon negative.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.07.039052
Keywords: carbon neutral energies, neutronic fusion, beam-driven fusion, collective acceleration, laser wakefield electrons, transmutation of transuraniums, carbon negative approach
PACS: 28.52.−s, 28.65.+a, 89.30.−g, 89.60.−k, 92.70.−j, 92.70.M (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.07.039052
Citation: Tajima T, Necas A, Massard T, Gales S "East meets West again in order to tackle the global energy crises" Phys. Usp. 65 1193–1203 (2022)
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Received: 21st, May 2021, 7th, July 2021

Оригинал: Таджима Т, Некас А, Массар Т, Гейлс С «Восток снова встречается с Западом, чтобы справиться с глобальным энергетическим кризисом» УФН 192 1280–1292 (2022); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2021.07.039052

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