





Reviews of topical problems

Mechanisms and kinetics of gravity separation of granular materials

, ,
Tambov State Technical University, Sovetskaya st. 106, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation

Particle separation mechanisms and kinetics in granular materials in a gravity chute and under vibrational impact are analyzed. Special attention is given to separation and kinetics mechanisms operating under conditions of high heterogeneity of structural and kinematic characteristics of granular flows. An analysis of alternative expressions for the separation driving force arising from local and spatial heterogeneity of granular media is based on results of experimental and analytical studies. Predictive properties of mathematical models are discussed with reference to the dynamics of separation of granular media according to the size and density of their constituent particles due to shear flow heterogeneity.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2020.01.038729
Keywords: granular medium, rapid shear gravity flow, granular temperature, separation, migration
PACS: 45.70.Mg
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2020.01.038729
Citation: Dolgunin V N, Kudi A N, Tuev M A "Mechanisms and kinetics of gravity separation of granular materials" Phys. Usp. 63 545–561 (2020)
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Received: 30th, March 2019, revised: 14th, December 2019, 23rd, January 2020

Оригинал: Долгунин В Н, Куди А Н, Туев М А «Механизмы и кинетика гравитационной сепарации гранулированных материалов» УФН 190 585–604 (2020); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2020.01.038729

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