





Reviews of topical problems

Nonequilibrium transitions, chaos, and chimera states in exciton—polariton systems

 a, b
a Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademika Osip'yana str. 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russian Federation
b HSE University, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

The review is devoted to exciton polaritons, short-lived Bose particles which are optically excited in semiconductors and form macroscopically coherent states under the conditions of coherent and resonant external driving. Interaction of polaritons results in multistability, spontaneous breaking of spin and spatial symmetries, self-pulsations, and pattern formation. As a result of symmetry breaking, paradoxical 'chimera states' can arise in which ordered and chaotic subsystems coexist and in some way complement each other.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2019.04.038549
Keywords: polariton, Bose--Einstein condensate, spinor condensate, multistability, spontaneous symmetry breaking, self-pulsations, dynamical chaos, chimera states, self-organization
PACS: 03.75.Kk, 05.45.Xt, 05.65.+b, 42.65.Sf, 47.20.Ky, 71.36.+c (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2019.04.038549
Citation: Gavrilov S S "Nonequilibrium transitions, chaos, and chimera states in exciton—polariton systems" Phys. Usp. 63 123–144 (2020)
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Received: 6th, September 2018, revised: 3rd, April 2019, 10th, April 2019

Оригинал: Гаврилов С С «Неравновесные переходы, хаос и химерные состояния в системах экситонных поляритонов» УФН 190 137–159 (2020); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2019.04.038549

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