Theory of condensed matter (in memory of Yurii Vasil'evich Kopaev) (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 December 2017)
PACS:01.10.−m, 01.10.Fv (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2017.12.038299 URL: 000457154900006 2018PhyU...61.1089. Citation: "Theory of condensed matter (in memory of Yurii Vasil'evich Kopaev) (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 December 2017)" Phys. Usp.61 1089–1089 (2018)
PT Journal Article
TI Theory of condensed matter (in memory of Yurii Vasil'evich Kopaev) (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 December 2017)
DP 10 Nov, 2018
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 61
IP 11
PG 1089-1089
RX 10.3367/UFNe.2017.12.038299
SO Phys. Usp. 2018 Nov 10;61(11):1089-1089