Scale invariance of shallow seismicity and the prognostic signs of earthquakesSchmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya ul. 10, Moscow, 123995, Russian Federation The results of seismic investigations on the basis of methods of non equilibrium processes theory and self-similarity theory have showed that a shallow earthquake can be treated as a critical transition that occurs during the evolution of a nonequilibrium seismogenic system and is preceded by such phenomenon as the scale invariance of spatiotemporal seismic structures. The implication is that seismicity can be interpreted as a purely multifractal process. Modeling the focal domain as a fractal cluster of microcracks allows the prognostic signs of earthquakes actually observed in seismic data to be formulated. Seismic scaling permits the state of a seismogenic system to be monitored as the system approaches instability.