





Reviews of topical problems

Biological microstructures with high adhesion and friction. Numerical approach

 a,  b,  c
a Technische Universität Berlin, St. 17. Juni 135, Berlin, D-10623, Germany
b A.A. Galkin Donetsk Physical-Technical Institute, ul. R. Lyuksemburg 72, Donetsk, 340114, Ukraine
c Department Functional Morphology and Biomechanics, Zoological Institute of the University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany

During the process of biological evolution, many groups of organisms have developed highly effective adhesive mechanisms that allow them to attach to various kinds of surfaces of different physical nature and topography. The most famous instance of this is the foot of the gecko, but many similar examples are found in animals of different sizes and evolutionary lineages. In recent decades such adhesive structures have become the objects of intensive theoretical and experimental studies, partly due to research aimed at developing and producing artificial surfaces with similar adhesive properties. Here we present a review of research on biological structures with high adhesion and high friction. We focus our attention on one particular kind of structure: systems of elastic fibers and their interaction with rough surfaces. Other structurally similar systems are discussed as well.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.01.037677
Keywords: adhesion, friction, fibrous structures, gradient materials, bionics
PACS: 68.35.Np, 87.10.−e, 87.85.jf (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.01.037677
Citation: Popov V L, Filippov A E, Gorb S N "Biological microstructures with high adhesion and friction. Numerical approach" Phys. Usp. 59 829–845 (2016)
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Received: 8th, November 2015, 4th, January 2016

Оригинал: Попов В Л, Филиппов А Э, Горб С Н «Биологические микроструктуры с высокой адгезией и трением. Численный подход» УФН 186 913–931 (2016); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2016.01.037677

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