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Spectroscopy of cold rubidium Rydberg atoms for applications in quantum information

 a, b,  a, b,  a, b,  a, b,  a, b
a Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prosp. Lavrent'eva 13, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
b Novosibirsk State University, ul. Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation

Atoms in highly excited (Rydberg) states have a number of unique properties which make them attractive for applications in quantum information. These are large dipole moments, lifetimes and polarizabilities, as well as strong long-range interactions between Rydberg atoms. Experimental methods of laser cooling and precision spectroscopy enable to trap and manipulate single Rydberg atoms, and to apply them for practical implementation of quantum gates over qubits of a quantum computer based on single neutral atoms in optical traps. In this paper, we give a review of the experimental and theoretical works performed by the authors at the Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University on laser and microwave spectroscopy of cold Rb Rydberg atoms in a magneto-optical trap and on their possible applications in quantum information. We also give a brief review of the works of the other groups on this subject.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0186.201602k.0206
Keywords: Rydberg atoms, laser cooling, spectroscopy, quantum information, qubits
PACS: 03.67.Lx, 32.70.Jz, 32.80.−t, 32.80.Ee, 32.80.Rm (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0186.201602k.0206
Citation: Ryabtsev I I, Beterov I I, Tretyakov D B, Entin V M, Yakshina E A "Spectroscopy of cold rubidium Rydberg atoms for applications in quantum information" Phys. Usp. 59 196–208 (2016)
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Received: 9th, November 2015, revised: 9th, December 2015, 28th, October 2015

Оригинал: Рябцев И И, Бетеров И И, Третьяков Д Б, Энтин В М, Якшина Е А «Спектроскопия холодных ридберговских атомов рубидия для применений в квантовой информатике» УФН 186 206–219 (2016); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0186.201602k.0206

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