On the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.L. Ginzburg
Dynamic properties of ionospheric plasma turbulence driven by high-power high-frequency radiowaves
S.M. Grach,
E.N. Sergeeva,
E.V. Mishinb,
A.V. Shindinc aScientific Research Institute of Radio Physics, ul. B. Pecherskaya 25, Nizhnii Novgorod, 603600, Russian Federation bSpace Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico cN.I. Lobachevskii Nizhnii Novgorod State University, prosp. Gagarina 23, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russian Federation
A review is given of the current state-of-the-art of experimental studies and theoretical understanding of nonlinear phenomena that occur in the F-region ionosphere irradiated by high-power high-frequency ground-based transmitters. The main focus is on the dynamic features of high-frequency turbulence (plasma waves) and low-frequency turbulence (density inhomogeneities of various scales) that have been studied at the SURA and HAARP heating facilities operated in temporal and frequency regimes specially designed with consideration of the characteristic properties of nonlinear processes in the perturbed ionosphere using modern radio receivers and optical instruments. Experimental results are compared with theoretical turbulence models for a magnetized collisional plasma in a high-power electromagnetic field, allowing the identification of the processes responsible for the observed features of artificial ionospheric turbulence.
Keywords: ionosphere, pump wave, magnetoactive plasma, artificial ionospheric turbulence, plasma waves, small-scale irregularities, stimulated electromagnetic emission, electron acceleration, artificial optical emission, artificial ionization layers PACS:52.25.Os, 52.35.Mw, 52.35.Ra, 52.50.Qt, 94.20.Tt (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2016.07.037868 URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2016/11/b/ 000396002700002 2-s2.0-85012991791 2016PhyU...59.1091G Citation: Grach S M, Sergeev E N, Mishin E V, Shindin A V "Dynamic properties of ionospheric plasma turbulence driven by high-power high-frequency radiowaves" Phys. Usp.59 1091–1128 (2016)
PT Journal Article
TI Dynamic properties of ionospheric plasma turbulence driven by high-power high-frequency radiowaves
AU Grach S M
FAU Grach SM
AU Sergeev E N
FAU Sergeev EN
AU Mishin E V
FAU Mishin EV
AU Shindin A V
FAU Shindin AV
DP 10 Nov, 2016
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 59
IP 11
PG 1091-1128
RX 10.3367/UFNe.2016.07.037868
URL https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2016/11/b/
SO Phys. Usp. 2016 Nov 10;59(11):1091-1128
Received: 28th, June 2016, accepted: 6th, July 2016