Conferences and symposia. A.D. Sakharov's 90th birthday commemoration
Andrei Sakharov today: lasting impact on science and society
B.L. Altshuler Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
The 20-year period of 1948–1968, during which Andrei D Sakharov crucially contributed to the creation of the Soviet nuclear shield, was followed by the same length of time from 1969 to 1989, when he was no less patriotic in his human rights activities and in his efforts to save humankind from self-destruction in a thermonuclear war. When free of these commitments, Sakharov always turned to his favorite pastime, theoretical physics, where, working on the ’roadside’ (to use his own words), he obtained a number of results of continuing importance. Some of these are described in this talk, as are Sakharov’s actions and approaches, highly nontrivial and still relevant today, to solving the problems of major public concern.
Orlova R, Kopelev L My Zhili v Moskve. 1956 - 1980 (M.: Kniga, 1990)
Sakharov A, Bonner E Dnevniki. Roman-dokument Vol. 3 (M.: Vremya, 2006) p. 187 - 188
Sakharov A D Nauchnye Trudy (Redaktsionnaya kollegiya: B L Al’tshuler, L V Keldysh (predsedatel’), D A Kirzhnits, V I Ritus) (M.: OTF FIAN - TsentrKom, 1995)
Gorelik G E Andrei Sakharov. Nauka i Svoboda (M.: Vagrius, 2004)
Al’tshuler B L, Bolotovskii B M, Dremin I M, Keldysh L V (predsedatel’), Fainberg V Ya (Redaktsionnaya kollegiya) On mezhdu Nami Zhil... Vospominaniya o Sakharove (M.: OTF FIAN - Praktika, 1996)
Al’tshuler B L, Fortov V E (Red.) Ekstremal’nye Sostoyaniya L’va Al’tshulera (M.: Fizmatlit, 2011)
Sakharov A Vospominaniya (N’yu-Iork: Izd-vo im. Chekhova, 1990); Sakharov A Vospominaniya (Red.-sost. E Kholmogorova, Yu Shikhanovich) (M.: Prava cheloveka, 1996); Sakharov A Vospominaniya (Sost. E Bonner) (M.: Vremya, 2006)
Sakharov A D "Narushenie CP-invariantnosti, C-asimmetriya i barionnaya asimmetriya Vselennoi" Pis’ma ZhETF5 32 (1967); Sakharov A D "Violation of CP invariance, C asymmetry, and baryon asymmetry of the Universe" JETP Lett.5 24 (1967)
Sakharov A D "Barionnaya asimmetriya Vselennoi" Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.76 1172 (1979); Sakharov A D "The baryonic asymmetry of the Universe" Sov. Phys. JETP49 594 (1979)
Sakharov A D "Nachal’naya stadiya rasshireniya Vselennoi i vozniknovenie neodnorodnostei raspredeleniya veshchestva" Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.49 345 (1965); Sakharov A D "The initial stage of an expanding Universe and the appearance of a nonuniform distribution of matter" Sov. Phys. JETP22 241 (1979)
Gorbunov D S, Rubakov V A Vvedenie v Teoriyu Rannei Vselennoi. Kosmologicheskie Vozmushcheniya. Inflyatsionnaya Teoriya (M.: Krasand, 2010); Gorbunov D S, Rubakov V A Introduction To The Theory Of The Early Universe: Cosmological Perturbations And Inflationary Theory (Singapore: World Scientific, 2011)