Laser frequency standards at the P N Lebedev Physical InstituteLebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation A brief review is made of the investigations conducted at the Laboratory of Frequency Standards at the P N Lebedev Physical Institute (FIAN) Division of Quantum Radiophysics along an important line of inquiry into the development of quantum frequency standards — the elaboration of a subminiature clock based on the coherent population trapping effect in alkali metal atoms with semiconductor laser pumping (frequency stability of 1011 — 1012 for an averaging time of ~ 104 s) and compact master oscillators/optical clocks with a frequency stability of 1014 — 1015 (for an averaging time of 1 s) based on He-Ne/CH4 and fiber femtosecond lasers.