





Instruments and methods of investigation

Generation of high-order harmonics of high-power lasers in plasmas produced under irradiation of solid target surfaces by a prepulse

Akadempribor, Research and Production Association, Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, ul. F. Khodzhaeva 28, Tashkent, 100125, Uzbekistan

Research on high-order harmonic generation in laser-produced plasmas is reviewed. We analyze the conditions for the generation of harmonics (up to the 101st order, λ = 7.9 nm) in the propagation of laser radiation through a weakly ionized plasma prepared by irradiating the surfaces of different targets with a laser prepulse. We discuss the findings of investigations into the resonance intensity enhancement of individual harmonics in a number of plasma formations, which have demonstrated a substantial increase in the conversion efficiency in the plateau region of the harmonic-order distribution (in particular, of the 13th harmonic in indium plasmas with the efficiency 10-4). We review the results of investigations of harmonic generation in nanoparticle-containing plasmas. Different techniques for increasing the intensity and order of the generated harmonics are discussed.

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DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0179.200901c.0065
Citation: Ganeev R A "Generation of high-order harmonics of high-power lasers in plasmas produced under irradiation of solid target surfaces by a prepulse" Phys. Usp. 52 55–77 (2009)
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Оригинал: Ганеев Р А «Генерация высших гармоник излучения мощных лазеров в плазме, образованной при воздействии предымпульса на поверхность твердотельных мишеней» УФН 179 65–90 (2009); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0179.200901c.0065

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