





Letters to the editors

Inhomogeneous superconducting states in ferromagnetic metal/superconductor structures (Reply to the comment by Ya V Fominov, M Yu Kupriyanov, and M V Feigel’man on the review ’Competition between superconductivity and magnetism in ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures’ by Yu A Izyumov, Yu N Proshin, and M G Khusainov)

 a,  b
a Vostok Branch, Kazan State Technical University, ul. Engelsa 127a, Chistopol, 422950, Russian Federation
b Kazan State University, ul. Lenina 18, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation
Fulltext pdf (161 KB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2003v046n12ABEH001766
PACS: 74.50.+r, 74.62.−c (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2003v046n12ABEH001766
Citation: Khusainov M G, Proshin Yu N "Inhomogeneous superconducting states in ferromagnetic metal/superconductor structures (Reply to the comment by Ya V Fominov, M Yu Kupriyanov, and M V Feigel'man on the review 'Competition between superconductivity and magnetism in ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures' by Yu A Izyumov, Yu N Proshin, and M G Khusainov)" Phys. Usp. 46 1311–1313 (2003)
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Оригинал: Хусаинов М Г, Прошин Ю Н «Неоднородные сверхпроводящие состояния в структурах ферромагнитный металл/сверхпроводник» УФН 173 1385–1386 (2003); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0173.200312k.1385

References (13) Cited by (12) Similar articles (2) ↓

  1. Ya.V. Fominov, M.Yu. Kupriyanov, M.V. Feigel’man “A comment on the paper ’Competition between superconductivity and magnetism in ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures’ by Yu A Izyumov, Yu N Proshin, and M G KhusainovPhys. Usp. 46 105–107 (2003)
  2. A.G. Shepelev “Letter to the EditorSov. Phys. Usp. 12 594–594 (1970)

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