





Letters to the editors

About V S Shpinel’s remarks on the review ’The development of the first Soviet atomic bomb’

 a,  b
a All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics — Federal Nuclear Centre, prosp. Mira 37, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, 607190, Russian Federation
b Ministry for Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, B. Ordynka 24/26, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n02ABEH001067
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DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n02ABEH001067
Citation: Goncharov G A, Ryabev L D "About V S Shpinel's remarks on the review 'The development of the first Soviet atomic bomb'" Phys. Usp. 45 228–230 (2002)
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Оригинал: Гончаров Г А, Рябев Л Д «О замечаниях В.С.Шпинеля к статье „О создании первой отечественной атомной бомбы“» УФН 172 236–238 (2002); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0172.200202j.0236

References (4) ↓ Cited by (4) Similar articles (10)

  1. Goncharov G A, Ryabev L D Usp. Fiz. Nauk 171 79 (2001) [Phys. Usp. 44 71 (2001)]
  2. Atomnyî Proekt SSSR: Dokumenty i Materialy T. 1 1938-1945 Chast’ 1 (The USSR Atomic Project: Documents and Materials. Vol. 1. 1938-1945. Part 1, Editor-in-Chief L D Ryabev; Exec. comp. L I Kudinova, Moscow: Nauka, Fizmatlit, 1998)
  3. Atomnyî Proekt SSSR: Dokumenty i Materialy T. 2 Atomnaya Bomba 1945-1954 Kn. 2 (The USSR Atomic Project: Documents and Materials. Vol. 2. 1945-1954. Part 2, Editor-in-Chief L D Ryabev; Exec. comp. G A Goncharov, Moscow: Nauka, Fizmatlit; Sarov RFYaTs-VNIIEF, 2000)
  4. Yadernaya Industriya Rossii (Nuclear Industry of Russia, Editor-in-Chief A M Petros’yants, Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 2000)

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