Scientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (30 May 2001)
E.E. Vdovina,
Yu.N. Khanina,
Yu.V. Dubrovskiia,
A. Veretennikovb,
A. Levinc,
A. Patanec,
L. Eavesd,
P.C. Maind,
M. Heninid,
G. Hille,
V.A. Volkovf,
E.E. Takhtamirovf,
D.Yu. Ivanova,
D.K. Maudeg,
J.C. Portalg,
J.C. Maanh,
A.V. Dvurechenskiii,
A.I. Yakimovi,
Yu.E. Lozovikj,
A.V. Subashievk aInstitute of Problems of Microelectronic Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow region, Chernogolovka, Russian Federation bOsipyan Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademika Osip'yana str. 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russian Federation cSchool of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Nottingham, University Park, NG7 2RD, Nottingham, United Kingdom dDepartment of Physics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK eDepartment of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, S1 3JD, Sheffield, United Kingdom fInstitute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Mokhovaya 11, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation gHigh Magnetic Fields Laboratory, Grenoble, France hHigh Field Magnet Laboratory, Research Institute for Materials, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED, Nijmegen, The Netherlands iRzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prosp. Akad. Lavrenteva 13, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation jInstitute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Fizicheskaya 5, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation kSt. Petersburg State Technical University, Politekhnicheskaya str. 29, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation
PACS: 71.24.+q, 73.40.Gk, 73.61.Ey, 73.61.Tm, 71.45.Gm, 71.55.Eq, 73.20.Mf, 73.61.−r, 85.30.Vw, 85.30.Tv, 03.75.Fi, 71.35.Lk, 71.35.Ji, 29.25.Bx, 29.27.Hj, 79.60.Jv (all) DOI:10.1070/PU2001v044n12ABEH001055 URL: Citation: Vdovin E E, Khanin Yu N, Dubrovskii Yu V, Veretennikov A, Levin A, Patane A, Eaves L, Main P C, Henini M, Hill G, Volkov V A, Takhtamirov E E, Ivanov D Yu, Maude D K, Portal J C, Maan J C, Dvurechenskii A V, Yakimov A I, Lozovik Yu E, Subashiev A V "Scientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (30 May 2001)" Phys. Usp.44 1299–1301 (2001)
@article{Vdovin:2001,author = {E. E. Vdovin and Yu. N. Khanin and Yu. V. Dubrovskii and A. Veretennikov and A. Levin and A. Patane and L. Eaves and P. C. Main and M. Henini and G. Hill and V. A. Volkov and E. E. Takhtamirov and D. Yu. Ivanov and D. K. Maude and J. C. Portal and J. C. Maan and A. V. Dvurechenskii and A. I. Yakimov and Yu. E. Lozovik and A. V. Subashiev},title = {Scientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (30 May 2001)},publisher = {Physics-Uspekhi},year = {2001},journal = {Phys. Usp.},volume = {44},number = {12},pages = {1299-1301},url = {},doi = {10.1070/PU2001v044n12ABEH001055}}