





Reviews of topical problems

Natural convection in heat-generating fluids

, ,
Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Bolshaya Tulskaya 52, Moscow, 115191, Russian Federation

Experimental and theoretical studies of convective heat transfer from a heat-generating fluid confined to a closed volume are reviewed. Theoretical results are inferred from analytical estimates based on the relevant conservation laws and the current understanding of the convective heat-transfer processes. Four basic and one asymptotic regime of heat transfer are identified depending on the heat generation rate. Limiting heat-transfer distribution patterns are found for the lower boundary. Heat transfer in a quasi-two-dimensional geometry is analyzed. Quasi-steady-state heat transfer from a cooling-down fluid without internal heat sources is studied separately. Experimental results and theoretical predictions are compared.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2001v044n10ABEH001012
PACS: 28.90.+t, 44.25.+f
DOI: 10.1070/PU2001v044n10ABEH001012
Citation: Bol’shov L A, Kondratenko P S, Strizhov V F "Natural convection in heat-generating fluids" Phys. Usp. 44 999–1016 (2001)
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Оригинал: Большов Л А, Кондратенко П С, Стрижов В Ф «Свободная конвекция тепловыделяющей жидкости» УФН 171 1051–1070 (2001); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0171.200110b.1051

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