





Reviews of topical problems

Electron transport in the extreme quantum limit in applied magnetic field

Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademika Osip'yana str. 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russian Federation

The state of the art of electron transport in the extreme quantum limit in magnetic field, when only the lowest Landau subband with one spin orientation is filled, is reviewed for the ionized-impurity scattering case, the one of most experimental interest. The quasi-one-dimensionality of electron motion is taken into account. This results in an essential modification of the conduction processes both along and perpendicular to the magnetic field, in contrast to what was supposed earlier. A reasonably good agreement is obtained with experimental data.

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PACS: 71.55.+i, 71.70.Di, 72.10.Bg, 72.20.−i (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2000v043n04ABEH000691
Citation: Murzin S S "Electron transport in the extreme quantum limit in applied magnetic field" Phys. Usp. 43 349–364 (2000)
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Оригинал: Мурзин С С «Электронный транспорт в квантовом пределе по магнитному полю» УФН 170 387–402 (2000); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0170.200004b.0387

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