





Reviews of topical problems

1/f noise and nonlinear effects in thin metal films

National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), sq. Shokina 1, Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498, Russian Federation

Work on 1/f noise and nonlinear effects in thin metal films is reviewed. The experimental dependences of the noise level and the I-V cubic nonlinearity coefficient of films on their thickness, temperature, and internal mechanical stresses are presented. The data on the effect of film microstructure on the 1/f- noise level are also given. The 1/f-noise spectral density and the I-V nonlinearity coefficient both show an activation temperature dependence and an exponential internal-mechanical-stress dependence, for metal films with elevated mobile-defect concentrations. A physical model of the 1/f noise and I-V nonlinearity is analyzed which involves the creation and annihilation of quasi-equilibrium vacancies in the bulk of the metal film and enables the observed relationship between the experimental data and the 1/f noise and the I-V nonlinearity to be explained.

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1997v040n06ABEH000246
Citation: Zhigal’skii G P "1/f noise and nonlinear effects in thin metal films" Phys. Usp. 40 599–622 (1997)
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Оригинал: Жигальский Г П «Шум вида 1/f и нелинейные эффекты в тонких металлических пленках» УФН 167 623–648 (1997); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0167.199706c.0623

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