Paper by V L Ermolaev, E B Sveshnikova and E N Bodunov
’Inductive-resonant mechanism of nonradiative transitions in ions and molecules in condensed phase’
[Physics-Uspekhi, March 1996, 39 (3)
PACS: 33.90.+h, 34.30.+h (
DOI: URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/1997/3/l/ Citation: Ermolaev V L, Sveshnikova E B, Bodunov E N "Paper by V L Ermolaev, E B Sveshnikova and E N Bodunov 'Inductive-resonant mechanism of nonradiative transitions in ions and molecules in condensed phase' [Physics-Uspekhi, March 1996, 39 (3) |
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