





Reviews of topical problems

Anyon superconductivity in strongly-correlated spin systems

Federal Research Center A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Ulyanova 46, Nizhny Novgorod, 603000, Russian Federation

The present state of the gauge theory of high-temperature superconductivity in strongly-correlated two-dimensional spin systems is reviewed. Basic ideas on the statistics of elementary excitations in spatially two-dimensional systems are presented and are used in an analysis of the structure of the energy spectrum and the form of the wave function of a set of anyon quasiparticles in both the long-wave continuous and lattice limits. The continuous and lattice theories are used to classify the phase states, and the hierarchy of phase transitions is described in terms of the topological quantum field theory. Thermodynamic and electrodynamic properties of anyon systems are described, and the experimental consequences of the Chern–Simons theory of high-$T_c$ superconductivity are discussed.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1992v035n07ABEH002247
PACS: 74.20.Mn, 71.27.+a (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1992v035n07ABEH002247
Citation: Protogenov A P "Anyon superconductivity in strongly-correlated spin systems" Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (7) 535–571 (1992)
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Оригинал: Протогенов А П «Анионная сверхпроводимость в сильно коррелированных спиновых системах» УФН 162 (7) 1–80 (1992); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0162.199207a.0001

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